Should you be considering selling your property as a result of the ill health of yourself or a close member of your family, you can rest assured that we will be sensitive and understanding to your situation.
With the stress and anxiety that comes from ill health, it is very easy to miss simple steps that can be taken meaning that you would not have to sell the property at all. For example, lenders are more likely to give payment holidays as a result of illness to you or a member of your family. If you have having difficulty in communicating with your mortgage company or perhaps they have been insensitive to your circumstances, Property Life Savers are trained in getting such issues resolved. We will, of course, do this on a no-fee basis.
If, after a detailed analysis of your available options, you would still like to proceed with the sale of your property, be sure that we will treat your case with the utmost confidentiality. You can release the equity in your home within a matter of weeks with no fees and no estate agents.
For an absolutely no-obligation discussion about your situation, please call us on 0800 822 3477 or complete our ‘Offer’ form (see right hand side) and your local Area Manager will be in touch.